The Mt. Calvary corporate worship celebration is held every Sunday at 9:30 AM. This service features a balance and blend of traditional and contemporary worship styles that include a modern devotional period consisting of responsive scripture readings, prayers of invocation, hymns and anthems, songs of praise, presentation of tithes and offerings, liturgical dances and altar call. The height of the worship celebration is the weekly message that God sends to us through Pastor Coffie and other ministers. Many members have shared that these messages have addressed their needs, enhanced their spiritual growth and soothed their troubled hearts. To God Be the Glory!
After each sermon, an invitation is extended for you to accept Christ as your personal savior and become a Candidate for Baptism. If you have already been baptized and were a member of another church, you can become a member of Mt. Calvary based on your Christian Experience. If you have been a member of another church and you have a letter that verifies that you were a member in good standing you can become a member of Mt. Calvary based on that letter.
The Worship celebration concludes with a formal benediction (a parting prayer for God's blessing on you) and a brief post-worship fellowship with Pastor Coffie and our associate ministers.
Campus for Christ
God has blessed the Mt. Calvary family with:
~A beautiful 550 seat Sanctuary with a full angular view baptistery, state of the art equipment for Audio and Visual functions including computerized projection and remote screen display, a baby grand piano and a pipe organ. A nursery facility for children ages 4 and under is available for parents of young children.
~A Christian Education Center with 9 comfortable classrooms for all ages, a multi-station computer lab and a multi-genre library
~A Family Life Center equipped with industrial kitchen equipment, for large group functions including ministry meetings, presentations, church dinners, and limited recreational type activities.
Family Atmosphere
The Mt. Calvary Church membership believes in and supports the concept of family. The friendly fellowship among the church family members creates an atmosphere of love which personifies the fruit of the Spirit. Members of our church family and members of the body of Christ are considered to be our brothers and sisters as God is our heavenly father.
In an attempt to increase and maintain connections with our brothers and sisters, the larger church family is systematically organized into smaller groups referred to as tribes. The tribes are named after the tribes of Israel referenced in the Old Testament. (Gad, Judah, Simeon, Naphtali, Joseph, etc.) A specific deacon and deaconess serve each tribe. Each tribe has cell leaders that assist the deacon and deaconess.
The Mt. Calvary church family is blessed to be multi-generational. There are seasoned saints with a wealth of wisdom, middle aged members who are still a part of the workforce, married couples, singles and children of varying age groups. Each generation has a place at this church and finds it easy to connect with others who share common
values and life experiences.
General Areas of Emphasis
Prayer - Talking to God about matters in your own life as well as talking to God for or about others ( Intercession ).
Evangelism - Sharing the goodness of God and encouraging others to accept Christ as their Savior.
Stewardship - Being responsible and responsive with that which God has blessed us with by way of time, talent and treasure.
Christian Education - Learning and growing in the knowledge of God and His Word.
Love for One Another - Participating through word or deed to show others that you care.
Community Outreach - Efforts that are extended to members of our city and county to enhance the quality of life of others through weekly canned food collection, holiday baskets, weekly tutoring, clothing donations, male mentoring program and various forms of social service assistance.
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